"Stay At Home Take Your Mind For A Walk" - all entries

Kitty North

We would all like to say a big THANK YOU to all our contestants. So many images stand out, the judges each had their favourites. The work has been judged on the theme 'Spring' as well as skill, aesthetic, truth and feeling. 

"Spring" under lockdown has been a great success!  

Click here to view the full "Stay At Home Take Your Mind For A Walk" Exhibition!

The work is both uplifting and inspiring. We have enjoyed looking at each piece of work.  Families taking part has been a first - Charnley, Midgley, Miller, Raynor, Roberts, Snow, Thompson and Tywang families - fantastic. We hope you will continue sharing your creative journeys with us, families, friends and many others in the future. 

1st      "Daffodils" by Fran Elliott 

2nd    "Morning Bird" by Megan Reece, age 12

3rd     "Welcome to the BFG’s Spring Garden" by Sam Webster, age 10


Highly commended (in alphabetical order):

Megan Chambers
Holly Dunham
Louise Holmes
Tracey Krupianka
Hannah Rayner
Georgia De Sanctis
Martha Swinbourne 
Leigh Weston

The winners...

Fran Elliott - "Daffodils"
Megan Reece - "Morning Bird"
Sam Webster - "Welcome to the BFG's Spring Garden"

And finally...

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